Endymion Weiss
All the world will be your enemy, Prince With A Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

age - who knows? who cares?
gender - BORN TO DIE / WORLD IS A FUCK / Kill Em All 1989 / I am trash / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS [he/they]
ethnicity - viera (veena).
orientation - please get higher standards.
relationship status - please get higher standards.
date of birth - twenty-fifth sun of the fourth astral moon.
sounds like - the outsider.hair - black. scruffy. (some would say tousled.) prone to letting it grow long out of sheer laziness, and ties it back to keep it out of his face. probably cuts it himself.
eyes - heterochromic; left eye is pale pink, right eye is cerulean blue. often sparkling with mischief or curiosity or feverish joie de vivre.
height - 5'11".
physicality - twink. lean, lanky, with long legs and soft hands. typically covered in scars, which he prefers to cover up with make-up. lop ears. characterized by short, sharp bursts of movement, except when bored or tired- then he leans, he lolls, he drapes, he slinks, he curls.languages - fluent in common. has passing/conversational knowledge of some other commonly spoken languages, such as hingan and xaelic.
◈ A trickster, a lover, a fighter, a philosopher, a manic nightmare goblin creature. Prone to idle affections and good temperament (most of the time.) Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies.◈ Functionally immortal, due to

hooks —
A HUNDRED LITTLE DEATHS. With his 'unique condition', Endy finds it perfectly acceptable to throw himself into the types of dangerous conditions most others would balk at. Combine that with his skill with firearms, and the buck becomes a dangerous foe. After all, no matter how many times he's struck down, he'll just get right back up again (eventually); a quality that is exceedingly rare and incredibly useful in the right conditions.BODY FOR HIRE. Of course, even if your demands are non-violent, Endy is just as likely to accept your offer. A man's got to eat, after all- starving is painful regardless of whether or not it's fatal. There's very little he'll refuse to do, as long as the pay is good, though he'll admit he's not much for intellectual pursuits and he can't dance worth a damn.RUN RABBIT RUN. Endy is not the type to keep his nose clean, and frequently ends up on the wrong side of the law. There are plenty of opportunities for him to stray into criminal activity, and all that entails; likewise, if you're of a more lawful persuasion and find him to be at fault, there's much fun to be had in that spectrum as well.EASE THE BURDEN. Even if he comes back whole every time, each death leaves its toll on Endymion's body, sometimes in the form of pain that can take weeks or months to fully absolve. He's turned to illegal substances to help ease this pain- if you can provide, he's willing to buy. Even better if he can trade his services and save his gil.YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT, KID. Though nimble of finger and foot, most of Endymion's skill lies in his talent with magitek- as evidenced by the gunblade on his back and the odd little 'pod' that follows him around, which he calls Yin. Turns out he's perfectly happy to pursue less-than-legal methods to get his grubby little paws on whatever he can for further 'study' and further his obsession, but also jealously guards what's 'his'.GOT IDEAS? By dint of his mischievous nature and go-with-the-flow attitude, Endymion can wind up involved with all sorts of disparate folks and plots for as simple a reason as curiosity. This also extends to creating preexisting connections. I've got no qualms about jumping into a relationship already established, as long as it's properly discussed beforehand.

hi there! i'm alice [she/they]!
i'm 29 years old, live in the PST time zone, and at any particular time i am probably gposing.
i currently work during the afternoon and early evenings, but am generally free most nights.
i'm always down to meet new folks, get involved in fun plots, or just hang out for casual scenes.i encourage the use of mare so that endymion can be seen 'as intended' during roleplay, but it's not required by any means! feel free to ask for his code.
YES ——» all post lengths. i generally try to flex to match my partner.
» romance.
» combat, either rolled or narrated. if you're really looking to mess endy up, just let me know ahead of time. i'll probably okay it i love writing gore hee hee hoo hoo
» all power levels, most character concepts.
» seriously, i'm pretty chill when it comes to rp, as long as you're respectful and practice open communication.
NO ——» erp. any scenes of that nature will be fade-to-black.
» sexual violence or sexual trauma, under any circumstances.
» racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, terminally online bullshit.
» rp partners under 18.
» idk, man, don't be a weirdo.